Saturday, June 26, 2010

Doing our share to make laboratories better

Today is a good day because we have signed off another 20 certificates for people taking our UBC Certificate Course in Laboratory Quality Management.  This course has now been running for 7 years and we have certified about 155 people to become Medical Laboratory Quality Managers.
Our graduates are working across Canada, Africa, China, Saudi Arabia, the US, Central America, South America, and in the Caribbean.  Almost all have active positions as laboratory quality managers in medical laboratories.  (Two are working in research laboratories, and one is in a veterinary laboratory).

The course is an on-line 20 week course with group discussion, small group discussion, lots of assignments, and quizzes and a final exam, but we have a drop-out rate of less that 5%, and a success rate of over 90%.  It is fun, interesting and meaningful to provide and teach the course, and a really big deal to run into certificants at meetings and conferences across Canada and internationally.

The course has changed over the years, although the core documents remain ISO9001 and ISO15189 and Risk Management, and Root Cause, but now include relevant issues like Cost of Poor Quality, Culture of Quality, and implementation of Quality Management.

I know there are other courses that are provided to address the specific field for medical laboratory quality managers, and I am sure some, probably most, are as interesting as ours.  Would be interesting in hearing sometime from others.  Perhaps even have the opportunity to have an education forum.

But in the mean time, we are starting the process of review and revision for our 2011 version that starts in January.

 For more information you can visit


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